Қостанай облыстық тарихи-өлкетану музейі

Костанайский областной историко-краеведческий музей

Kostanay regional museum of local lore

+7 (7142) 50 - 03 - 89

+7 (7142) 50 - 11 - 13

Қостанай қ-сы
Алтынсарин көш. 115


(1883, aul Kara-Oba, now Sarykol district of Kostanay region) - teacher, educator, poet, translator. He graduated from the Russian-Kazakh school, then a pedagogical class in the city of Kostanay. Since 1929, the first director of the Kara - Obinsky secondary school of the Uritsky district.

As a teacher - educator, Beket Utetleuov laid the foundations of folk pedagogy, continued the pedagogical traditions of Ibray Altynsarin. His brainchild, the Kara - Obinsk Secondary School, later became a cultural and educational training center for the intellectual elite of our republic. The author of two books in the Kazakh language: "Жиған - терген", "Дүниенің ісі ақыретке кетпес". As a poet - translator, he translated the fables of I. A. Krylov, poems by A. S. Pushkin, M. Y. Lermontov, V. A. Zhukovsky, A. N. Pleshcheyev, N. I. Krasovsky. He wrote "A textbook of the Kazakh language for Russians", "The role of the analytical-synthetic sound method in correct writing and expressive reading".

In 1923-1925, Beket Utetleuov was in charge of the Russian-Kazakh school of the city of Kostanay, later called "Kazkommuna". 

Teacher, poet, translator Beket Utetleuov died on June 9, 1949 in his native village of Kara-Oba. His creative legacy, reprinted in full in 1961, continues to serve people.