One of the unique folk values from time immemorial is needlework. In the samples made by the hands of craftsmen, the customs and traditions of our ancestors are intertwined. Every nation inherits from previous generations the art of needlework, the ability to create things, combining practical expediency with the beauty of their appearance. After all, one of the main essential features of folk art is the harmony of the useful and the beautiful. Many secrets of the old masters, unfortunately, have been lost, but those that have survived and have come down to us, open up a wonderful, unique world of ancient art.
The exhibition presents skillfully executed works of Kostanay needlewomen, this is embroidery with a smooth surface, a cross and beads. The exhibition "Magic of needlework" is an exhibition – competition, which has been held for Kostanay needlewomen for more than a year on the initiative of the head of the baguette workshop "Quadrum" Alexander Nam.
The viewer will have the opportunity to see these works of hand-made art, which surprise with the subtlety of the work, inspiration, variety of themes and genres. These are amazing landscapes that convey the unique beauty of nature, and colorful still lifes, and magnificent compositions in the national style that reflect the uniqueness of culture and everyday life of different peoples of the world.
The art of needlework will not lose its value and relevance in the modern world, because only hand-made things convey the creative energy and warmth of the human soul.