(1885, Sarykop locality, now the village of Kyzbel, Dzhangelda district, Kostanay region - 1935) - a major representative of Kazakh culture and literature of the early XX century, poet, writer, public figure, one of the spiritual leaders of the national liberation movement "Alash". Myrzakyp studied at the Turgai two-grade Russian-Kazakh school, opened by I. Altynsarin. His political activity began in 1905. In Omsk, Dulatov met with A. Baitursynov and A. Bokeikhanov. He was one of the authors of the Karkaraly petition. The first collection of poems "Оян, қазақ!" ("Wake up, Kazakh!") It was released in Kazan in 1909. The title of the book served as a manifesto, an appeal of the Kazakh intelligentsia to the people. The entire print run of the book was destroyed, and the author was persecuted and imprisoned.
However, M. Dulatov actively continued his literary and journalistic activities. During this period, he published the work "Unfortunate Zhamal" - the first novel in Kazakh literature about the future of a free Kazakh woman, which was a huge success and made the author famous.
Since 1913, while living permanently in Orenburg, Dulatov together with A. Baitursynov published the socio-political newspaper "Kazakh", which existed until October 1918. He actively participated in the organization of the national movement and the Alash party, wrote the program of the Alash party. In 1928, he was arrested on charges of counter-revolutionary activities and in 1930 was sentenced to death by firing squad. The death penalty was later replaced by 10 years of camps. Myrzakyp Dulatov was exiled to the Solovetsky special purpose camp. He died here on October 5, 1935.
Only in November 1988, Myrzakyp Dulatov was rehabilitated posthumously.
In 1992, a mausoleum was built in the homeland of Myrzakyp Dulatov and the remains of the great son of the Kazakh people were transported from the Sosnovets station of the Karelian ASSR by an expedition formed in Torgai and reburied with honors.