Қостанай облыстық тарихи-өлкетану музейі

Костанайский областной историко-краеведческий музей

Kostanay regional museum of local lore

+7 (7142) 50 - 03 - 89

+7 (7142) 50 - 11 - 13

Қостанай қ-сы
Алтынсарин көш. 115


(1935, Kostanay region, Sarykol district, Zhanasu village - 1986) - writer, Candidate of Philological Sciences. In 1959 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh State University. He worked in the newspaper "Қазақ әдебиеті ", literary employee, head of the department of the magazine " Жұлдыз", senior editor of the publishing house " Жазушы", State Publishing House, literary consultant of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan

For many years he was a senior researcher at the Institute of Literature and Art.

The first novel "Жүрек қазынасы" was published in 1962. The author of a collection of short stories, short stories and novellas "Самал" ("Breeze"), "Құс жолы" ("Milky Way") and others, novels "Ескі дос" ("Old friend"), "Торғай толғауы" (1 book., 1966; 2 books, 1970), "Алғашқы қоңырау" ("The first call"), "Таза бұлақ" ("Clean spring"). Translated into Kazakh the stories of Russian writers L.N. Tolstoy, I.N. Bunin. Moldagaliev's works have been translated into foreign languages. He was awarded the gold medal named after A.A. Fadeev.