Қостанай облыстық тарихи-өлкетану музейі

Костанайский областной историко-краеведческий музей

Kostanay regional museum of local lore

+7 (7142) 50 - 03 - 89

+7 (7142) 50 - 11 - 13

Қостанай қ-сы
Алтынсарин көш. 115



The paleontological chronicle of the region gives an opportunity to look into the past geological epochs, into the world of raging seas and fire-breathing volcanoes of Cretaceous time, into the world of humid subtropical swamps and forests of the distant Paleogene and icy snow-covered steppe spaces of the anthropogenic period. The fauna of the Cretaceous period is represented by numerous oyster shells, belemnites, teeth of various sharks, the remains of giant marine reptiles - mosasaurs and plesiosaurs. The subtropical forests of the Paleogene consisted of heat-loving marsh cypresses, magnolias, oaks, Schmalhausen alder, Yerzhilansai poplar, and other types of trees and shrubs. The surface of the reservoirs was covered with carpets of Salvinia water fern. The anthropogen period is known for a complex of mammoth fauna animals: woolly mammoths, rhinoceroses, bison, tours, giant deer, horses, camels inhabited river valleys, steppe spaces and forests of the region. The skeletal remains of these animals are evidence of the biodiversity of the Asian steppes of past eras.

Лангуст түріне жататын теңіз шаянтәрізділерінің қабыршағы. юра-бор, Қашар кеніші
Панцирь морского ракообразного из рода Лангусты. юра-мел, Качарский карьер