"Porcelain Assortment" - an exhibition of porcelain figurines from the personal collections of Nurmukhambetov David, the youngest collector in the Association of Collectors of Kazakhstan and a collector from the village of Vladimirovka Ya.A. Nikushin
On February 13, 2025, the exhibition hall of the Kostanay Regional Museum of History and Local Lore hosted the opening of an exhibition of porcelain sculptures from private collections "Porcelain Assortment" - items from two collectors are presented: Yakov Aleksandrovich Nikushin, a resident of the village of Vladimirovka, Kostanay district, and a very young collector, a resident of the city of Kostanay David Nurmukhambetov.
The exhibition presents 112 units of porcelain products from various areas of porcelain collecting. These are fairy-tale and literary characters, miniatures, dance scenes, images of animals, vases, decorations and other interior items.
Yakov Aleksandrovich Nikushin has been collecting for over 25 years, a member of the board of the Belarusian Republican Public Association of Collectors. His porcelain collection includes about 400 items.
Collector Nurmukhambetov David showed a special attitude to porcelain works at the age of six. He is a member of the Association of Collectors of Kazakhstan, which he was accepted into in 2023. At the moment, his collection contains more than 700 items, including figurines from the USSR and some European countries.
The exhibition will run for a month.