Works of paintings and graphics by Kazakhstani artists in the funds of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore.
Paintings and drawings by artists of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in the funds of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore
Teeth of ancient elephants
Catalog of the collection of maps of the documentary fund
Collection of minerals and rocks
19 -20 days. tos belgileri men belgisheler
Badges and badges of the late 19th-early 20th century
Posters and wall newspapers about the Great Patriotic War
State Awards of the USSR (in two languages)
Anthropogenic fauna
Banners, pennants, ribbons of honor
Stock collections of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore (Patterned weaving, embroidery, lace in objects of folk decorative and applied art. k. XIX-n.XX century.
Kazakh jewelry
The documents testify. (The Uprising of 1916).
The documents testify. (Resettlement movement in Kazakhstan).
The documents testify. (Penetration and development of capitalist and decomposition of patriarchal–feudal relations in Kazakhstan).
The documents testify. (Development of healthcare in the Kostanay district before the revolution)
Documents attest (The development of enlightenment before the Revolution)
Documents of the Great Patriotic War (to the 60th anniversary of Victory)
Paper banknotes of Russia, the USSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan, 18-20 centuries (funds)
Weapons in the museum's funds.
Murazhay koryndagy karu
Catalog "Folk costume in the museum funds"
Catalog "Still Life in the museum collection"
Catalog of the complex of personal origin of the Twice Hero of the Soviet Union L.I. Beda
Star Palette (about patrons)
Collection of posters "Nature protection is a national cause"
Collection of postcards "Kostanai oblysy kenistigi zhane kone zamany", Kostanai K., 2009 zh.
Catalog of the complex of personal origin of the Hero of Socialist Labor, full knight of the Order of Glory M.S. Yarovoy
Catalog "Pottery in the museum funds"
Catalog of the complex of personal origin Ch . Valikhanov "Chokan Valikhanov – scientist, ethnographer, man"
Thematic catalog of the photo-documentary collection "Naurzumsky Reserve"
Cutlery and tableware in the museum's collection (Kuznetsovsky porcelain)
Catalog of the complex of personal origin of the Hero of the Soviet Union S.N. Temirbayev
Urkash 7 Bronze Age Burial Ground
Catalog "Carpets and carpet products"
Catalog "Graph V.I. Antoshchenko-Olenev"
Alekseevsky Cultural Complex. Catalogue of the archaeological stock collection
Catalog of the Foundation of the personal origin of the Hero of the Soviet Union S.B. Baymagambetov
Catalog "Cutlery and tableware in the museum collection. Kuznetsovsky porcelain".
Catalogs "Abylkhan Kasteev", "Baki Urmanche", "Sakhi Romanov".
Catalog of the Foundation of the personal origin of the Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Paradovich
Catalog "Cutlery and tableware in the museum collection. Tree"
Catalog "Irons in the ethnographic collection of the museum"
Catalogue of paintings and graphics "A.B.Kasparov",
II part of the catalog "Naurzum reserve"
Catalog "The first Kazakh sculptor H.Nauryzbayev"
Catalog "Kametov's graphics in the museum's stock collection"
Catalogue of the archaeological collection "Monument Bestamak-settlement, sacrificial place, burial ground"
Catalog of the stock paleontological collection of palioflora specimens
Catalog "Paintings and graphics of P. Rechensky in the museum's stock collection"
Catalog of the Foundation of the personal origin of the Hero of the Soviet Union I.Y. Syanov.
Catalog "Cutlery and tableware in the museum's collection (ceramics, glass)"
Catalog "Collection of photonegatives, part I"
Catalog "Paintings of Kostanay artists in the museum's stock collection"
Catalog of the collection of hydrometeorological devices.
Catalog of the collection of mammoth bones.
Catalog "Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Platonovich Kirpichenko" (a complex of personal origin in the museum's funds)
Catalog "Cutlery and tableware in the museum collection" (metal)
Catalog "Collection of photonegatives, part II" (based on the museum's stock collections)
Catalog "Weaving and embroidery in folk costume and accessories in the museum's stock collection"
Catalog "Works of the artist V.I.Antoshchenko – Olenev in the museum's stock collection"
Catalogue of the archaeological collection "Settlement of Dzhangeldy -5 of the Bronze Age"
The "Bauxite" catalog
Catalog "Iron ores".
Catalog "Hero of the Soviet Union Istai Ishchanov" (a complex of personal origin in the museum's funds)
Catalog "Weaving and embroidery in folk costume and accessories from the museum's stock collection", Part II.
Catalog "Collection of photonegatives" based on the museum's stock collections, part III
Catalog "Collection of minerals transferred by geologist V.A. Pilipenko"
Catalog "Clocks in the museum collection".
Catalog "Hero of the Soviet Union Afanasyev Vasily Safronovich" (a complex of personal origin in the museum's funds).
Catalog "Musical instruments in the museum collection".
Catalog "Samples of military uniforms in the stock collection of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore"
Catalog "Maps and diagrams in the stock collection of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore"
Catalog of the documentary fund of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore on the topic "Development of public education in the region in the XIX - I century. XX century".
Catalogue of zoological collection of Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore
Catalog "Works of Transcaucasian artists from the museum's stock collection"
Catalog "Works of Kostanay artists from the museum's stock collection"
Suretshi Vadim Bykovtyn derbes kormesinin tizbesi "Kas-kagym sat, ayalda, sen gazhapsyn".
Catalog of the personal exhibition of the artist Vadim Bykov "Stop, a moment, you're beautiful", 2018
Catalog. "Weibert L.P. Graphic works from the stock collection".
Tizbe. "S.Lugovoy. Kor zhyntygynan".
Catalog of the stock collection."S.Lugovoy".
Catalog of the stock collection. "Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Ivanovich Gromov (Harvard)".
Catalog "Cameras and photographic equipment".
Catalog of materials from the stock collection "Ibrai Altynsarin"
Catalog "Book monuments" (based on the museum's stock collections)