Қостанай облыстық тарихи-өлкетану музейі

Костанайский областной историко-краеведческий музей

Kostanay regional museum of local lore

+7 (7142) 50 - 03 - 89

+7 (7142) 50 - 11 - 13

Қостанай қ-сы
Алтынсарин көш. 115

Publications on the methodology of museum work

"Terminological dictionary of a museum employee" (to describe a museum object).

Dictionary of museum terms on the scientific description of written sources.

Museum equipment is an integral part of the exposition ensemble.

Experience and prospects of work on the creation of differentiated museum programs for children and adolescents.

Analysis of the results of the survey "The relevance of the museum as a cultural and educational institution".

Collection based on the materials of the extended meeting of the Scientific and methodological Council of the staff of the state museums of the region on the topic: "Memoriality is one of the key parameters of the modern museum exposition"

An analytical review of the manuscript fund of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore on the topic "The establishment of Soviet power and the civil War in the Kostanay district".

Dictionary of museum terms on the scientific description of written sources in the Kazakh language

Methodology and practice of museum work, part 2 

Methodological recommendations on the scientific processing of museum objects at the second stage of the accounting of funds

Tips for a young guide

Collections "Methodical piggy bank I" and "Methodical piggy bank II"

Collection "Methodical piggy bank. Issue III"

Collection "Methodical piggy bank, issue IV" with scenarios of museum mass events

Methodological development "The origin of life on Earth" for the state museums of Kostanay region;

Archaeological research of the Kostanay region (materials for the tour of the exposition of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore)

Guidelines for organizers and managers of public museums (second edition, revised and supplemented)

Methodological recommendations "The technique of displaying museum objects.  Criteria and requirements for exhibition equipment".

Collection "Conceptual directions of external relations of museums. Organization of joint projects with NGOs and creative associations".

Collection of materials of the sectional meeting of the June readings on the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Collections of materials of training workshops for employees of the state museums of the region

Joint activities of museums and educational institutions for the upbringing and development of personality: experience, problems, prospects

Cultural heritage: integration of resources in the digital space

Museum activity in the formation of the modern cultural space of the region

Materials of scientific and methodological councils (part 1 and 2), electronic publication "Museums and archaeological heritage" (based on the materials of the seminar-meeting of archaeologists and employees of state museums)

 Methodical Piggy Bank - a collection of methodological recommendations for employees of state and public museums

Collections of materials of scientific and methodological councils of the museum