Expedition diary. Part 1. (on the implementation of the Program of ethnocultural studies of Kostanay region for 2001-2003)
Expedition diary. Part 2-4. Past and present side by side. "Ethnocultural studies of Kostanay region in 2002-2004"
Glorious daughters of the Fatherland (women of Kostanay region at the front and in the rear). To the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory.
Years of life and activity of M.Seralin
"The Artist and Time" (graphics by A.I.Nikiforov)
Sergey Lugovoy. Painting and graphics
Life given to people (about Mukhamedzhan Karabayev)
Heroes of virgin lands. Andrey Mikhailovich Borodin
Heroes of virgin lands. Zhansultan Demeev.
Heroes of virgin lands. Amangeldy Isakov.
Sokov G.M. Pacer's Run (Personal painting exhibition)
Kostanay region. Reference data.
Arteries of life (water resources)
Homemade clock of the zemstvo master Titarenko in 1919
"Seasons" (phenological calendar of Kostanay region)
"Songbirds of Kostanay region"
"Treasures of our bowels" (about the minerals of the region)
"Animals of Kostanay region"
"Nature does not have bad weather (climatic features of Kostanay region")
"Monuments of architecture of the city of Kostanay"
From the series "The History of one exhibit". Drug trafficking
"Darkez" from the series "The Story of one exhibit"
"The ancient history of Kostanay region according to archaeological research"
"History of Kostanay railway"
"Memorable and sacred places of Kostanay region"
"Legends of native Kostanay" - collection of legends of the historical and literary contest "Legendary Kostanay"
"Zoological Labyrinth"
Kostanay Regional Museum of Local History (1915-2008)
"The female saddle of the Aldiyarov family"
"Bestamak" (together with CF NDP "Nur Otan")
"Kapan Badyrov is an elder of the Kazakh stage"
"Spandiyar Kubeev"
"Urban mushrooms" parts 1 and 2
Exhibitions of masters of folk decorative and applied art "Good hands craft" in the series "Masters of folk crafts" - "Carpet weaving. A.M. Negmetzhanova", "Beadwork. U.M. Bygysbaeva", "Master of decorative and applied art. K.B. Beisova".
"They deserve to be remembered (Camp diary of Soviet prisoner of war Sergei Voropayev),
From the series "The History of one exhibit". Kazakh men's set belt
Documents of the Great Patriotic War (amended-1 issue 2005)
"Stalingrad falcons in the Kostanay sky (1942 – 1946)"
"From a bow to a machine gun. History of weapons"
"Kostanai oblysyndagi kieli oryndar"
"Wintering birds of Kostanay region"
Collection of scenarios of museum folklore and ethnographic holidays "Warmth of the native hearth"
"The Kostanay region during the Great Patriotic War: the unity of the front and rear". Together with the State Archive of Kostanay region and the regional branch of the NGO "Organization of Veterans of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
"Kuznetsovsky porcelain in the funds of the museum. Ashtray of the Maidan Partnership
From the series "The History of one exhibit". "Murak"
"Porcelain and faience in the museum's collections, c. XIX – n. XX centuries",
"Pink pelican", "Curly pelican", "Swallowtail", "Podaliri", Dybka steppe", "Guide to the halls of the museum".
Porcelain and faience K.19-n.20th century
From the series "The History of one exhibit". "Dombra of Amangeldy Imanov"
From the series "The History of one exhibit". "Helmet of Aitbai batyr"
"State Awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
"Poisonous plants of urban areas"
"Ancient flora of Torgai"
"Mushrooms. Lichens. Mosses".
From the series "The History of one exhibit". Women's camisole with gold embroidery
"Urban mushrooms, part II"
From the series "The History of one exhibit". "Russian women's costume. k. XIX century"
Analysis of the dendrological component of the urban landscape
Mukhamedzhan Karabayev is a professional doctor with a European education
Documents of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (from the museum's funds)
"Hunting equipment" - booklet from the series "The history of one exhibit"
"Soz zergeri" is a booklet about the life and creative path of B.Mailin.
"People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR M.S. Kenbayev"
"S. I.Shalunova"
Collection of scenarios of ethnographic holidays
Booklet "Attention! The Green Frog"
"Mordovian women's costume" - booklet from the series "The history of one exhibit"
"The Gauls. Gall-forming insects"
Booklet – directory "Streets of our city". On the history and renaming of streets of the city of Kostanay
Honorary citizens of the city of Kostanay and Kostanay region
Collection of scenarios of museum musical and poetic evenings for significant and memorable dates
"The quiet life of a still life" by Kostanay artists
"Native land is a golden cradle", works by Kostanay sculptor Bayan Batalova
Booklet "Spiders"
"Mari women's costume" - booklet from the series "The history of one exhibit"
"Creative kaleidoscope - museum workshops on the production of artistic compositions in various techniques"
Booklet "Green Economy"
Booklet "Poisonous mushrooms"
An excursion guide to the sights of the city of Kostanay.
Booklet "Famous Kostanay sculptor Leonid Belousov"
"Bashkir bib" from the series "The history of one exhibit".
Information booklet "Monuments of monumental art of Kostanay region"
Booklet "Creative kaleidoscope - museum workshops on the production of artistic compositions in various techniques"
"Kostanai oblysynyn kasietti nysandary". Zhol korsetkish.
The guide "Sacred objects of Kostanay region".
Kostanay Travel Guide.
"Kostanai oblysynyn kasietti nysandary".
"Sacred objects of Kostanay region".
"Kostanai kalasynin XIX g. sony –XXY. basyndagy saulettik eskertkishteri"
"Monuments of architecture of the city of Kostanay of the late XIX century – early XX century.
"Kostanay residents are champions and prize–winners of the Olympic Games"
Monuments of monumental art of Kostanay region
Booklet "Tulips of Kostanay region".